So I finally finished Saylor's blanket. It was supposed to be for Christmas. Oops. I love how it turned out and think its freakin cute.

It was supposed to be quilted, well the one I was copying it from was quilted, but they did theirs on a machine and I don't have one, so I just decided to tie mine. I was real afraid it would make it not cute, but you can't really even tell, and I think its still cute with the ties. I used yarn for babies, so it was thinner and real soft. Its minkee and flannel in case anyone was wonderin. Everytime Saylor would come and feel it while I was tying or sewing it, she would say "Oh Mommy, its so soft." And yep it is and really heavy. Minkee is thick material. Any ways, so there you go peops, a project finished by me :)
That is SO CUTE. I love it. I want one. Will you make me one Jean? My bambi is wearing out and I'm cold each day. Pretty pretty please.
ReplyDeleteHol-your bambi wore out like 20 years ago you geek! Jean, super cute blanket, good job!
ReplyDeleteAll you fuller girls and boys might I add were so blessed to have had "BAMBI" blankets! I think that if Jean will make any blankets for anyone, it will definitely be for me! I would like my colors to be an assortment of blues thank you... I'm going to bring it with me to bid jobs and to church and jump on the tramp with it, and role on the family room floor with it, and start taking naps with it. I can't wait! Thanks Jean!
ReplyDeleteHey Keri, Your blanket turned out really, really cute. I love it.
ReplyDeleteI will make anyone a blanket that wants if they send the money my way. It only costs about $50 is all :) If you want it in adult or "bambi" size, add a little more to your bill. Let me know if anyone is still wanting one.
ReplyDeleteJean, that is soooo super cute! Good work! I'll be taking one of those as well. I was thinking my size could be in between bambi size, and big size. About how much would that cost me? I want mine in teal/turquoise and browns. Thanks Jean!
ReplyDeleteFor reals, freaking cute!!!
All you freakers taking my idea. If I were the only one that asked, Jean would have thought, Aw, Holl, I sure miss her, I'll make her a blanket to show my love, but now everyone else has to jump on the band wagon and now Jean's not going to make me one. Wow, this is the story of my life. Thanks a lot, thanks a real lot.
ReplyDeleteHAHA HOll, your funny. That is a way cute blanket though Kerr, and i like it a lot. But you don't have to make me one...you already did! Wahaha to all you peeps. Oh and my friend that is all sorts of crafty said that she loves that blanket that you guys made and she wants to copy it. Don't worry Ang, i won't leave you out. Ang made it too, and you guys did awesome and i love it.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, and my friend has seen lots of the stuff that you guys have made and she said to me the other day, "Wow Cin, you have some way talented sisters!"
ReplyDeleteJean, I feel left out. I want to comment on the blanket and wanting one. So pretty much it is awesome. I couldn't even tell it was tied. So stinkin cute. I too will take one. I like everyones colors so far. Turquoise and brown probs being my favorite to copy. Jean don't you feel bad for me? My bambi is see-through. Plus we've let you use Josh's silky one a lot. I know you like that one, it can be some kind of payment for past services.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Cin, I'm glad to hear we tricked someone else into believing we have talent. I'll have you know that Jean twisted my arm the entire time on making that cute blanket of yours. I grudgingly take part in all projects crafty and sewy and such, but am glad afterward. I miss all you guys. I've been the craps on the phone lately, sorry.
Josh even called my bishop and told him that no one else could call me from my ward for the rest of the week. The bishop then called me and told me the same thing. That was awesome. Callings overtaking lives? Anyone? Anyone?
ReplyDeleteBird here. Wow to Each person haha if anyone deserves anything its me cuz all I do is homework and I use a red cheer blnket for my comforter at college. Now my room isn't cute... But my magnet board you made me kerr is super cute in my room! haha just kidding you dont have to make me one its okay... I just miss everyone. please come home.