So I am making stockings and I can't decide what I like best or think is the cutest and wondered what you guys think. So this is them closer up. So if you click on the picture you can see the red has little polka dots of different sizes on them.

Other options closer up.

All the options, or really I can rearrange and do what I want. The one that doesn't have a foot and heel is just to show you the star material as a cuff. I dont' even have to use all the material. I kinda like the ones without the stars but, then when I look at them with, I like that too, so I can't decide what to do. I am going to make them all have the same cuff I think, but then do half of them with the toe and heel the same and then the other half somethin different (maybe opposite of the first half) if that makes sense.
Bird here. Holl my faves are the ones with the reds, the star ones im not the biggest fun of. I think the other two are lots cuter
ReplyDeleteI think i'm with Bird. I think the ones with the stripes and reds are cuter.
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