So I did these backwards in order of events, so if you want to see it that way, start at the bottom, or just continue on :) We went to Temple Square on Friday night. It was pretty cold, the lights were pretty awesome, and having a group this big there was only as you can imagine. Everyone getting all mixed up as to where to meet and finding spots to park and all that good stuff, but overall it was still really fun. After we went back to Dustin's and had hot chocolate that was delish. Linz and Dad had to leave a little earlier than this picture was taken cuz LInz had to get back to clean the Plasma Center.

We went to a Roller Skating Rink on Friday as well as Temple Square. It was so stinkin fun. Some were on Roller blades and some on skates. It was pretty hard to get used to again. The place let you have scooters and strollers too so it was the goods for everyone. Mom had Saylor most of the time walkin with her, but got her out after awhile and Saylor just laid on her like this the whole time.

We started a train, but the person in front would get pooped real fast cuz all the rest of us would just hold on the for the ride, except Ang did help when she wasn't in front. Dres and Ern were on this, but they got flung off at the last corner.

The whole gang at the roller skating rink. (Josh was takin the picture)

All of the boys at the roller skating rink, thinkin they were awesome. Bud was pretty dang fast, I have to say.

Some of us at the roller skating rink, before we started and weren't all sweaty. We were all dying of heat and sweating to death.

We started playing these strategy kind of games. I'm the worst at it, Zach had to tell me all the answers cuz I would get to annoyed that I couldn't figure them out, and just want to be done :)

Getting everything ready for Thanksgiving dinner.

Zach and Josh carving the turkey. It was pretty dang good.
Dustin working on his salad and bein nerdy.
Thats all. We missed you peops that weren't there and wished you were. We love ya. THANKS to ANg and Josh and Dustin and ALissa for letting us all come and crash your houses and use all your stuff and eat all your food. You guys were awesome and everyone had lots of fun.
Ok, you Kenny's that looks like real real fun!
ReplyDeleteWe were all at Curt and Tawna's in Syracuse.
Ang, I have the same necklace as you but is brown. I like yours too, it is cute. Plus, your hair is way long and pretty. In fact all Kenny girls look sweet!
How is that for a FREE TL!
Bird here. I must say Ang looks pretty stankin cute and so did her hair after all that trauma with it haha we are pretty cute triplets if i might say so myself haha and everyone looked cute of course
ReplyDeleteGood job on posting these Kerr. Yay, i'm so glad you guys all had fun! It's cool to see that everyone actually went and did something instead of just sitting around. It looked super fun, all of it. Everyone looks cute and all done up. Linz, i even saw that you got ready and wore real clothes. Good work! :) I saw that Mag and Saylor have the same hairdo's in one picture. The goods. They both look lots older too, with chubby little munchable cheeks. I love to see these pics cuz it helps me to feel like i didn't miss out. I can just picture everyone in the kitchen with a "job" gettin in each other's way tryin to get their assignment done, everyone gathered around those mind/trick games and everyone eventually figurin it out but Kerr, :) Bud tryin to show how fast he is skating, the girls all gettin hot and sweaty. I love it, love all of it. :) Yay!!!