Monday, October 11, 2010

Gettin it off of that last post

When I don't have enough time or Jerzi won't sit still long enough to let me do her hair, she gets a headband and some sort of flower/bow. The rest of her hair gets unleashed and goes wild. Fun huh?

While Ern was here, we had a gay ol' time. One day we took a walk through the woods, right next to my house. To all you peeps that went on a "back east trip to see the fall foliage", we got our own fall foliage trip. Only most of the trees hadn't changed yet. Now they are changing and are sooo pretty. Sorry Ern, you were right about missing it by one week. I just said they wouldn't be ready yet cuz i didn't want you to feel bad that you missed them by that close. They will actually be like this though for the next month. Oh how we love the Fall out here!!! And our trails through the woods!

Here's Jete sneakin a peak, and a feel at "The Christmas Story" house, that we also went and saw with Ern.


  1. oh my gash, I miss Jerz. She is so stinking cute I can't even take it. Cin, don't you and Had have some conference things you need to attend together? I'm pretty sure we'll just keep your kids for you. Then none of those millions of parents you guys have will be sad. They don't even have to know. Lets plan it.
    Looks like you guys had a great time, that's awesome.

  2. You lied to me? (I knew it)

    I had such a good time, and I miss your cute little kidlets, and you and Had too!

  3. Ang, i'm hopin we have lots of those conference things, like in the Carribbean or Hawaii or some place sweet like that. You guys can gladly take our kids for us, or just come along with us, whichever you'd prefer. :) The bad thing, i bet he doesn't get to start going to those for at least 4 more years. By then, our kids won't be little and cute anymore. But I guess if your the one that's willing to watch them....i mean to say they'll be so cute and fun. :)
    Ern, i was only lying to you for your own good. I didn't want you to be sad. But like i told you already, i'll post pictures. :) It was fun having you here and we all miss you too!

  4. Now WE need to come visit!! I'm loving that first pic of Jerzi and her wild hair. And your dang cute hat Cin!

  5. Cute pics Cin. Saylor was in here when I was looking at this and I said, look there's Jerzi, and she said, whoa, look at that silly hair, its crazy. I love it and think its so cute.
