Thursday, July 21, 2011

Weekend in Utah

 The birthday boy Javi opening his presents.
 Singing happy birthday to Jav.
 All of us girls (minus Audrey, she took the pic for us, but didn't want to come) going wild asparagus hunting. For some reason Case decided she needed to squish up front with the rest, and Linz loved it haha. (it was so hot and pretty humid for us west peeps)
 As you can see Bird tooking the hunting part serious and didn't want any of us to get shot so she wore orange (haha just kiddin Bird, everyone was making comments on Birds shirt, I don't think I ever did so then I felt I should on this, but really I liked your shirt Bird)
 In case Cin or Holl are wondering, we didn't really find to much asparagus, mostly we were just posing for the pics, it was all picked over already.
 Just some pics of the peeps playin ball.
 I can't really tell who shot this, but it went in so good job to whoever, it looks like it was probs Brientz's but I'm not positive.
 Maybe a game of lightning but not really sure again. I only say that because Bird is on the run, Bud is doing a layup, and Dax could be handing the ball to the person behind him, but Aidey guy has a ball too, and Dustin is just standing there, maybe one of the kids already got him out :) As you can tell I don't really remember what was happening ha.
 Cute pic of Linz and Josh during the firework show.
 The picture perfect Fullers during the firework show :)
 Bird lookin awesome :)
 Zach being Zach.
The parentals and Josh watching the fireworks.
 Ang being the Ang that she is and supplying all the kids with sparklers and pop its (or whatever those one you throw down are called)
 Cute pic of these dudes.
 Bud being Master Fire Chief and putting on an excellent firework show for us.
 Dax and Brientz kept jumping in front of all my pics, I had lots of these cute faces so I decided I better put some on here.
Another one of the cute Daximus Maximus.
Ang and Josh I just wanted to tell you guys thanks for the fun weekend. It was craziness for you guys I know, but it was such a fun family weekend. I am so glad that we got to come and be a part of it. Seriously, I came away thinking, that was so much fun, everyone had a good time, and there was just a good feeling at your house the whole time. So thanks. I hope everyone else felt the same as we did. We loved it.
And another thanks to Dustin and Liss for letting us stay at your house and for letting us take over your home as well for the weekend. It wouldn't have been possible for us to come if it hadn't been for all of the help from our fam, so thanks everyone.
P.S. I posted a few other pics on my blog from this weekend if you want to see a few others.


  1. Bird here. Man I must say that was a good choice of shirt to wear because I "Stand out above the crowd" Boom yeah! I wanted everyone to notice me come on. haha just playin but I do love my orange shirt. And man oh man that picture of me cuttin Linz is freakin awesome. That's is just me and Sissy's relationship caught on camera. hahaha Oh man I'm crackin myself up.But for real for real, Kerr or anybody who will, I need a whole post dedicated to me on their blog. haha You have to gather every cool picture you can find of me and put it on there. OOh let's make it a contest!! Everyone can do it on their blog and then I will choose who did the coolest post about me. Maybe I will even give away a prize!! Come on take on the challenge women. You might even win coolest sister award if you win too. Anyway that weekend was super fun and I remember thinking Man this is how holidays should be spent, with family having fun. I don't know about you guys but I cant wait for Fuller Fest TWENTY TWELVE! Oh yeah! (Also what the heck happened to sister fest?)

  2. Aww, FUN! Once again, we're missin out on all the fun! Someday, when Had has a plane, I'm gonna make him fly me to anything and everything. HAHA P.S. Had's gonna get his pilot's license and his own plane someday. :)
    Bird, I do like your orange shirt. And when I wore it when I was home, peeps said to me..."Cin, your shirt is...BRIGHT!" That's all. I thought they should have said, Cin, your shirt is cute. Suckers.

    Well, Happy Birthday to Javi and congrats on getting baptized. And Daizee looked so cute in her blessing dress! How come nobody posted pics of her? :(

  3. Aw, I loved every pic on here. Jean you did awesome. And the weekend was awesome. Except for a few minor stressing outs, it was pretty low key and relaxed even for me. Thanks Jean for being so nice, and thank you everyone for coming and supporting us and sharing in our fun little family moments. Cin and Hol, I will post a pic of Daizee, I promise. I'm learning some stuff on pics.
    Bird, who r u? What the heck is that giant post on yourself? You r such a nerd, and I loved it. My favorite was "take the challenge women". Haha.
    Also, sister fest was kind of the show you guys got to see. Unfortunately Jean just had a baby and I was preg, so I guess no one else felt it was their duty to make something happen. Bird, can you get on top of that?
    Loved the pic of Zac, that was so classic Zac. Loved the pic of Dustin, Josh, and Zach - it was really cute. Thanks for posting Jean.

  4. Bird, Id love to do a post on you.

    It will be a "pics of bird thru time" with enlarged pics of that special time when you stole my camara and just sat and took pics of yourself.

    Plus bonus wesome pics of you eating sunflower seeds, and spitting them~ while in a bathing suit, etc.
    I will get that going in the next few. :)
