Friday, March 30, 2012

Pictures from Christmas

Me and Zach opening our present from Holl and Jeff. 
 I know this isn't the best picture but I put it on here for you Holl, to show you how cool I thought the nativity was.
 Holl's kids had our kids name, and they sent these cool necklaces for my girls. Say wants to wear hers to church each Sunday. They also sent some cool stuffed animal camels.
 Mom opening these cool birds from Holl and Jeff.
 Bird just opening her Kindle. We all knew she was getting it, but she didn't and her face was priceless when she opened it.
 We played a bunch of ping pong while we were home over Christmas break. Here is some around the world shots for you.
 Some good action shots.
 I love this one of Linz :)
 We also went bowling up in St Anthony. I love this picture, cute cute kids.
 Cute pic of Case and Caleb.
 Ahh, sisters.
I had to throw this one in because look at Bird :)
 THis is one of my faves too.
 Mom bowled/helped the grandkids on their lane the whole time. What a great Grandma!
 We played a game where you had to act things out. This may have been So You Think You Can Dance that they were acting out, but I'm not positive on that.
I lvoed this one of Bird, and Dustin's face watching her is the best.
 I'm not quite sure what they were acting out, I think Ang decided to direct in this one :)
 I don't know what we were doing in this one either.
Mom was making breakfast and was lucky enough to have 3 helpers join her and want to be in on the action. Say is trying to be cool in this pic I guess :)


  1. Bird here. Man he more I look at all of these pictures of me, the more I realize how freakin awesome I am..wahahaha

  2. Oh fun times!!! I loved to see all of the festivities. I especially liked to see Bud sleepin on the couch in the background of when everyone's playin games, Linz pickin her arms (I'm almost 100% positive that's what she's doing), and Bird still bein Bird, dancin and posin away. HAHA When I see stuff like that, it makes me feel like even though I wasn't there, I still know what everyone's gonna be doing, regardless of the activity, that things haven't changed too much since I've last seen everyone. I love it! I love all these pics. Thanks Kerr. And I love seeing pics of the grandkids. It's hard to not see them very often cuz they are all in the young stages of life where they grow like crazy. Brientz has changed a ton since I last saw her. She looks so old. I still picture her as a little toddler, runnin around with a little mischievious grin on her face. And Aidey guy...holy cow! He's so stinkin cute! I mean he's always been cute, but it seems like he is just getting cuter and cuter. And that last pic of Mom with all the little helpers making breakfast...I sooo wish Jete could have been there to help. That would be cute...Mom and four 4 year olds makin breakfast.

  3. haha, I loved every one of these pics. I especially liked Bird's randomness, Dustin's faces, Bud sleeping, kids helping Grandma, me posing like a sucker but even more the faces of the three boys in the background of that pic. Man, Aidey guy and Brientz look like brother and sister in that one. Knock outs I tell ya. We got some cute ones peeps! Thanks Jean

  4. You know I'm not pregidous or anhthing but I think we've got the cutest grandkids around, bar none.

  5. THanks for putting all of those fun pictures on here. What is a ping pong table doing in that house? Has anyone told Dad that those things wear out the carpet, especially if you RUN!!!! Also, did anyone else notice in one of the ping pong pics Bird looks like she is about 1 inch big, I'm not kidding. Go back and look at them, Bird are you anaretsit these days or what? I loved seeing all of them.

  6. Also, what kind of spelling was in that Phy comment. pregidous, um. . .

  7. Seriously. Pregidous? Who really wrote that? Was that Bird on mom's account again, cuz mom, weren't you a teacher for like 20 years? Plus anhthing.
    Also Hol, never fear, the carpet will not be wore out. We arrived Dec. 26th for the holidays and the ping pong table was put away and never spoken of, as if it never even happened at all......
    Something weird was going on, and I'm not sure what. (mabes the real truth is that they were afraid my kids might jump off of it into other kids heads)

  8. Haha Ang and Holl you guys are funny. I was laughing out loud reading them. I wasn't quite sure what was going on when I read Mom's comment, and Holl I did notice Bird, and she does look tiny. In fact that is one of the reasons I put that one on there, cuz I thought she would appreciate it, if it were me I would like to see pics of me lookin one dot big :) Especially since pinterest I am definitely not one dot big right now :) Ang we were also told to put the ping pong table away before everyone got there so it wouldn't get wrecked or someone didn't kill themselves on it haha.

  9. Oh and Dad didn't know we were running down there, he never saw any of the around the world business. But he did go down and play Bud and Zach, but came back up pretty quick after and said it wasn't fun cuz they weren't any good at all and they weren't a competition. haha I laughed when he said that, but Bud and Zach had a good time playing each other!

  10. Bird here. Ang are joking me? I did not put that. It was mom, you ignorant pup. Geez. I look like a dot in a pic? Then how did you see me? hahahaha I think I'm funny that's for sure. Ang remember when your kids dented the wall with their heads? Imagine what would have been done with a ping pong table down there...hahaha Okay I think I'm waaay funny.

  11. Hey Josh has a small case of touch up spackle and paint for just such an occasion. Of course I remember when they dented the wall with their head, I think that was last time we were there. Plus Dax had to go all "honest" on us and go fess up to Grandpa and the paint wasn't even dry yet. Ya think ya teach your kid a thing or two, neh, those kids.
    Ignorant Pup? You are mom, trapped in a little Birdie dot of a girl. Haha, I like the ongoings, they're much more fun.

  12. Oh yeah, plus Bird, "Ang are joking me"? I'm pretty sure it was a well founded comment.

  13. Bird here. (Come on notice I put that every time?)and hahahah to dax. Geez don't teach your kids to be honest then tell them to lie to their grandparent. what kind of parent are you? hahaha That ignorant pup comment was for you meaning to be a mom comment because you said that about mom so it was in her voice from me. Now go sack your head. haha
