Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Cuties

The chocolate donut with orange sprinkles kid.

Harry Potter, and next door neighbor Abigail Maud as Hermione.

The Jailbird

The Sweet Ladybug


The Human Statue

Harry Potter!

Shirley Temple

Sweet Little Miss Muffett.


  1. Thank you to Erin for being such a supportive aunt! Coming to see the kiddies off and taking photos before their big night. How sweet you are!!

  2. Bird here. Darn cute to all of them haha they were all lookin awesome!

  3. cute costumes! I love them all. Little miss muffet is adorable. And I half to say the human statue is looking pretty sweet.

  4. Love all of these cute kiddies and their awesome costumes. Too bad that all of the kids wore their costumes (mine had to 4 times) a few times before Halloween because they seem not as cute anymore. Either because they've seen better days, or I'm just used to them. But everyone looked awesome. Hol, did your kids get feeling good enough to do anything on Halloween? Cin, you are excused from putting up your pic for a few days but I want to see Jete's costume and if Had dressed up, then his too. By the way, that week will now become your busiest week of the year excluding Christmas. Have fun!

  5. Oh my gosh!!! I'm dyin. I love everyone's costumes. Good job to Ern for posting them. I remember last year i tried and tried to get peeps to post them, and i don't remember too many getting on here. I love to see them and wish i could see them all in person. Oh and Ang, think how busy you are with your kid's b-days and Halloween in the same week. Well, we have 2 more birthdays in our little fam starting the next week. Yikes! This could be bad. Why didn't you warn me about this before 9 months ago?

  6. Cute costumes everyone. I love them all. Athen, you totally look like Harry Potter, awesome. The boys were so cute and proud :) Shirley Temple is the cutest thing ever, and Liss you should get her pictures taken in that outfit, its so cute on her, only some people can pull hats off, and she is one of them. And I am not the goods and forgot to paint Saylors nose and I was going to do her cheeks too and we were out having a contest in Ang's yard of who could hit the most apples with a baseball bat, best out of 10 and then it was a mad rush to get the kids ready :) Josh won the contest, hitting 10 out of 10. Nice job Josh. Maybe next year Say baby can be a little cuter :)
