Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Couple of Biker Babes

For Halloween, Jeter was a "Harley Dude" and Jerzi was his biker chick.
All in all, it was a good plan, but Jete didn't want peeps to look at him and Jerzi wouldn't ride the Harley with Jete. She only wanted to do it herself. Makes for some awesome trick or treating times. Well, at least I ended up getting the costumes done, just in the nick of time. :)

Sweet little Biker Chick Jerzi

Here's little Punky Jete.

My blog will have more pics (at some point) if you want to see them too.


  1. So cute Cin!! I love it! Good work on the chaps! They look adorable!

  2. SaWWEEET Cin! I'm lovin this look on your kids-they totally rocked it!

  3. how the heck did you get those costumes. They look completely real. ARe they?

  4. I made them, well everything but Jete's doo-rag. He already had that. And they are real. Well, the leather is like the fake leather stuff, but yeah, they could definitely be worn on a harley ride and it would keep them warm. It took me a long time to make them, but you have to remember i did it all by myself (no one helped supervise, or tell me where to cut, or cut it for me, which is usually how i do all my projects), and i only had precious nap time, and when they went to bed to work on them. I actually liked doing it though, which is new for me cuz normally i hate any kind of sewing projects, and i only got "sweatin" a couple times.

  5. Cin, these are the greatest. Course it helps to have such cute kids in them. Can't wait to see ya.
    Love Mom
