Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween to all and to all a good night. Suddenly my pictures are all sideways. This is Grey at his class Halloween party. He is a lion made into a mummy.
I had to show this food from Grey's party. It was nice, like nicer than any party food I've ever seen. It is probably too small to see how fancy and nice the food was. Grey has some rich Egyptians in his class. Any Egyptians that go to CAC are loaded, because the tuition is so much money, if they can afford it, they are rolling in the dough. I brought jello jigglers. Way to go Idaho!
Tipped again. Mason-super hero, Grey-lion, Reece-cowboy, Miles-kid riding on a chicken. Everyone loved Miles costume. He had lots of random peops taking pictures of him.
Here they are again. Once again I pull off costumes thrown together the night before. Someday I'm going to be better at Halloween boys, someday.


  1. HAHA I love the lion made into a mummy. That's pretty sweet Grey. Plus, that looks like a sweet party with some pretty sweet food. Lucky! Cute costumes for all your boys Holl. I don't get how you can pull all those costumes off the night before? You just happen to have that stuff, like a boy riding a chicken, layin around your house or what? The goods.

  2. bahaha! Kevin and I are lovin the Miles-riding-a-chicken-costume! Good job on makin them Holl! They're cool!

  3. OK, when I say I pulled these costumes off the night before, what I really mean is that I borrowed them from my friend except Mason's shirt. I sewed that rocket on it and spray painted that lid to that basket, because he said that was where he got his power. Sweet I know.

  4. Way cute pictures Hol.
    Makes me miss you guys. Can't wait to come visit.
