Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our Christmas presents from Ang and Josh

Josh made us this AWESOME S. We love it and think it is so pretty. And we never really have peeps come over to our house, but the few that have, have all commented on how pretty this is.
Ang is awesome and canned us all these peaches and pears. We love them and have been eating them like crazy. (sorry this is so messy and cluttery looking. I didn't want to take the time and move everything around so it looked all good, so now you know what my pantry looks like, kinda messy :)

Here is a little side view of this awesome S. It sticks out at an angle, but I don't really know if you can tell in these pictures, but we love everything you did for us Ang and Josh and all the time you spent doing it all. Thanks again, we love it.


  1. Jean,
    Did I ever tell you you are the bomb. Cuz I don't think anyone really wanted to see all that fruit. But I personally thought it looked beautiful in the jars. Haha, (really anyone that has ever bottled, sometimes you find yourself admiring the way they all look when they are finally done, weird but true, I've discussed this with peeps) Anyway thanks for paying tribute to us, and I really do love the S and wish it were a D. Too bad for me, awesome for you.

  2. I repeat my comment I left on Kerr's blog: Josh, Kevin and I need one of those in an "F". We will babysit, do back massages, cook you dinner, basically do whatever because we love and want one real bad. It's freaking AWESOME!

    P.S. Ang, how are you liking Josh's new xbox hobby he's developing? Not very cool, huh?
