Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Baby Shower for Case and Audrey

 All these pictures of the cute food table turned out the craps because my flash wouldn't go off, so sorry. Plus Audrey already posted most of these on her blog, but I thought I would throw mine on here too. Turns out I didn't take to many, these are all of them.
 These marshmallow pops that Case and Mom did turned out way cute and the kids loved them. I don't know if any adults ate one, and I didn't hear if they were good, but I know the kids loved them and ate most all of them.
 Ern got these cute bags of popcorn and made popcorn to put in them and Ang made these awesome cupcakes. All my pics turned out super crappy of them, so you get a little shot of them in this one, but they were dang good. I think we all ate about 3 too many of them and all were a little sick by the end of the night, but then when we woke up in the morning we were ready for another of course.
 Linz made this dang cute banner.
 Drez and Brientz got to come too and hang out with all the girls. I didn't get a pic of Brientz because she was in and out playing with the kids, but she was there helping me make a frog baby :)
 Ang was smiling for this picture but really she was telling us all to get the show on the road. She was starving and we were hanging out, you know the ways. Haha.
 Thanks to Case and Audrey for getting preggers so we had a reason to get together. 
 Thanks to Ern for putting it altogether.
Case and Audrey with all their goods, and they got a lot, considering that there were only 7 peeps givng them gifts :) (like Ang said at the shower, things have changed a little bit since her and Alissa had their first kids. Bird by the time you have a kid (once you get married of course) you are going to rake in the gifts)  :)  
I loved every second of this weekend (although part of it could have been because I didn't have Casha to watch destroy things constantly). Seriously though I really did love it. I had tons of fun and laughed lots and lots. There is just nothing quite like being with each other, I have way more fun with all of you than I ever do with friends. I wished we all lived a little closer so we could get together more often.  Love all ya peeps, bring on FULLER FEST. I can't wait. I remind Saylor about it almost every other day. 


  1. The shower was an amazing success according to myself. The best part is we did it all...for us. :-) Congrats to the preggers!~

  2. Haha, Jean thanks for posting. I loved the whole thing and I especially loved laughing my head off. We are a competitive bunch I must say. Throwing our play dough babies at Case and Audrey, hoping they would pick ours. Of course they made the best choice in the end. Haha. Plus I was thinking of songs that had the word Baby in them for the whole next week. Plus I loved that we all (including the preggers) sat around hanging up decorations and making food until it was time to start and then stopped doing that and all just started cuz we had all been there for the last 2 hours, another haha, I love us.

  3. Fun was had by all, and Ada Bailey and son motored to the Clifton market in the meantime.

  4. I miss Ada Bailey and her son.

  5. You guys crack me up. I'm glad I get to look at this blog. It makes me think I was right there throwing play dough . .

    GUess what -- I saw your parents this morning? They finished their cruise. I gave them some boiled eggs and was happy I randomly chose something your dad "eats every day".

    Party on -- and thanks for honoring Ada Bailey in your blog.
