Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Guess where I'm going?

Yo Peeps,

 I know this is kind of crazy but I actually really do love my job.  eBay is the goods! I spend 8 hours a day reading other people's listings,then immidately laughing, crying,or  gagging,and then delete their listings, and suspending and restricting accounts, or answering their emails why I deleted their listings with a polite but firm, "This item cannot be sold on eBay. Do not re-list."  All the while, my i-touch is running my netflix with movies, tv shows, and music.  I seriously have the best job ever!~

           Anyhoodle, I will have been with eBay for FIVE years next year, and do you know what that means? It means it's time for my eBay sabbatical (next year)!! It means that eBay gives me an entire 4 weeks off paid, plus my 21 days off a year that I get normally. The four weeks have to be taken together, they truly want you to not come in for an entire month. (Note to self: Look at longest months of year.) They will allow you to use 2 weeks of your normal paid time off in conjunction with the sabbatical, so you can take a total of six weeks off altogether.  Sounds pretty awesome huh? Well, Ive decided that what Im going to do with my time, is what I LOVE to do!~ I'm gonna travel!~  I'm going on the trip, that I've been dying to do for about 5 years!


So sadly for you guys, you'll be hearing a lot of how much overtime I'm working to save up for this. I'll be taking a guided tour, and HOL if and when you decide Greece as your place to live,I'll finish my trip there, UNLESS Dust & Alissa end up in London afterall, then, then I'll be spending a week in each place!! 

YAY!~ I'm so excited!!

PS. My schedule changes July 2nd to 6am to 430pm Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat.  Work two days,have two days off,work two days, have a day off.  I LIKE :-)


  1. Nice Ern, that is awesome and it sounds amazing. Good luck on working overtime! Sounds fun.

  2. wowsers, I want to have all of that. That is so awesome, and I will be totally jealous of your trip. I am happy for you about your schedule change too, suuuuuweet!

  3. That does sound freaking awesome. I want Kevin and I to go there someday!
