Friday, September 11, 2009


should i get a purm, my mom really wants me to but im not sure. should I??????????????????????????


  1. I don't know what to tell you Dres. I always wanted a perm, then after like a month I didn't want it, then later on I would want it back again. I do think you would look cute with one if that helps any. Sorry.

  2. I say go for it. It will always grow out and then you'll have smooth hair again. Fun for a change. Do it Dres, do it.

  3. Sorry I mean after your purms worn out wll it make your hair less strait?

  4. I've had perms before Dres, and my hair always went back to being super straight. In fact, sometimes the perms didn't really work in my hair cuz it was too straight. But even if you get a perm and want to have it straight sometimes, you can still use a straightener and get it all straight, then the next time you wash it, then it gets curly again.
