Monday, November 16, 2009

Drez and her goods!

Me and Travis Wall
This is Drez and Ivan from Season 3. "He was Alyson's partner, and was my hip hop teacher"

Here are the two pictures that Drez sent me. I'm so proud of our cute lil Drez!!


  1. That is totally sweet Drez. That is the one season that I actually watched. I'm with Jean, lets see a dance.

  2. Drez, (I normally type it as Dres, but i see the peeps that live by you and are around you lots more write it as Drez. Which one do you like?)

    I'm so excited for you! That is so sweet that you got a scholarship already and that you guys did so good. I now wish that i would have watched that show cuz it would be even cooler if i knew who those peeps were. It's cool that they got to be your teachers though. So my vote is to dance for us at Christmas, cuz i won't be there for Thanksgiving. :) Oh yeah, and your picture in brown and orange, Freakin CUTE!!!

  3. Bird here. Luckiest girl ever!! One day when your on So You Think You Can, I will come watch you and maybe meet Travis...lucky. haha Love you Drez!
