Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just for Fun

Your welcome.


  1. I love Nellie Olsen. The goods.

  2. Someone on facebook said to pick a picture of the fictional character that picks your personality the best-and put them as your profile pic. This is who i chose-while technically I know she was a real-life person, Im pretty sure that Michael Landon took some liberties with her character-(such as when Nellie fakes being hurt and is in a wheelchair, to make Laura be her slave.)

  3. wait, why do you think Nellie Olsen is your personality profile?
    I too love Nellie Olsen, my boys hate her.

  4. Cuz Nellie is my twin (on the inside)

  5. You guys must be old, i don't even know who Nellie Olsen is. :)

  6. What??? You don't know who Nellie Olsen is. Cin, get with the program.

  7. Cin-Nellie Olsen is the mean girl from Little House on the Prarie. I used to ask Bird when she was tiny if she wanted to watch the Bratty girl show cuz of Nellie!

  8. I didn't know who she was at first either, then I figured it out. We never watched Little House with you guys that I remember, we were into Full House :) (Cin I just read all the books recently, that is how I figured it out)

  9. Good ol' Nellie. I'm proud to say that I knew who she was. I'm kind of surprised that you didn't Cin. That's okay. And kind of comedy that Ern thinks she is Nellie Olsen on the inside.
