Thursday, February 9, 2012

Little MIss Lindon


  1. These pictures are so cute. I am SO glad you posted them. Dres, you look old. Sheesh. Don't tell those other little Lindon girls, but you're the cutest of them all and you have a hidden talent, sleeping bent in half. I bet no one else can do that. :)

  2. Drez, you look amazing, and you do look old. Stop growing! Love you! (and good job to Alissa for all the Lil Miss Lindon appts)

  3. Drez, you look so dang cute in all those pics. Are you sad its almost over or kinda happy? Plus all the girls are cute, you are just the cutest :)

  4. dres you are so cute!!! that makes.yoy even.cuter. I hope all the did.for.little.miss.lindon was fun!! Its awesome being brag about you!! :) linz

  5. Oh man, you're so stinkin cute Dres! I haven't seen you in forever. Agh, i miss you guys. Thanks for postin these. Liss, you should post some of Brityn too cuz i can only picture her as about 1 year old.

  6. Drez, I feel like an echo chamber is caught in our blog, but I gotta say it anyway,cuz you look so great! Wow, you are so beautiful. You amaze me, I can't believe it, you look so old. We love to have all these bragging rights on what a dynamic niece we have.
    Agreed, you are definitely the cutest one there. The 2nd runner up is the blond with a cute smile, but you still win. We are so proud of you!

  7. Bird here. Dreslin, You are cute. I loveth you.
