Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Another Day in the Life of Jav

I dropped Javie off at dance at 4:00 and came back to pick him up at 6:00.  When I picked him up he seemed a little sad.  I asked him what was wrong, and this is how his story went:  I'm sad because at 5:00 I switched classes and in between the switch I ran upstairs to the bending machine and wanted to get this awesome big pack of donuts for $1.50.  But I already spent all of my money but a $1.25.  So I laid on the floor to see if there was any money under the machines and I saw something big and silver  (there are 2 receptionists right there facing the vending machines) I couldn't reach it, so I ran outside and climbed up a tree.  (Just so you know, these are the little landscaping trees about 12 feet tall in front of the building).  I broke off a limb and stuck it under my shirt so that they wouldn't see me, and came back in.  So I got the money with the stick, but it was only a nickel, the 2nd to worst one I could get.  Then I only had $1.30, and it wasn't even enough to get anything good, cuz I already bought the powerade." 
Then I asked him where he was getting all this money to spend on junk food anyway.  He said, "oh ya know how you gave me, and Sydney, and Ellie all a dollar, well they gave it back to me and said, we can't take your mom's money."


  1. Don't you love the way kids earn money? This story is hilarious - the ingenuity of your boy. He's going to be rich someday.

    One summer, I had my kids earning quarters to save up for a swim park in Utah (Cherry Hill - lots of fun for little swimmers). One of Carson's friends came over and saw the quarter jar. the next day, he came over with a "donation".

    This method works pretty well.

  2. HAHA I seriously love hearing about your boys and their crafty ways for everything they do. The whole time I'm reading i am smiling, even when I haven't even gotten to the funny parts yet, because I know it's gonna be funny. I LOVE the Davis boy's stories.

  3. Love your boys stories. They keep me smiling all the time.

  4. It's the same for me as it is for Cin. I just smile the whole time I'm reading, waiting for more good and funny stuff to come. Then I always end up laughing out loud in the end. Love it!
