Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Half (and all its torture)

 Okay, I know I have been posting tons lately, sorry peeps.  But you just gotta love this.  Here was my Halloween Costume - Robyn.  So the first 4 miles of this race was starting in Sundance, and it was pretty steep downhill.  (It killed my knee) But the greatest part, I peed my pants, which I always do if I run for very far.  On this one, I just happened to pee my pants in the first mile.  Then there were cameras everywhere, snapping shots of you while you run. 
So the first pic you can't tell as much, but here is a good one of it on this pic.  Turns out I wore a few layers and they were all right there, just waiting to get my skirt wet.  So for the next 12 miles, I ran with a big wet skirt in the front, just showing off all my glory front and center. 


  1. Wow Ang,
    First of all way to go! How did you do? And you make me laugh, "all your glory". I laughed reading your stuff til I nearly cried. You have a way of writing things that make the telling even funnier.

  2. woot woot! i wish i ran this with you!!

  3. I've been waiting for the report of the 1/2. What's happened? How come you don't call me. I've been home now for 5 days.

  4. Oh yeah, and I love that you've been posting lots lately. I wish everyone would. I love it.

  5. Hi, My name is Colette. I am your cousin :-)

    (I am pretending to be on Alcoholics Anonymous b/c I feel I have to confess to stalking this funny family blog).

    Angie's family stories cracked me up - every one of them. The squished bum look, the half-pee-marathon, the candy apple. I like funny. Thanks for posting, glad I got on here.
