Tuesday, December 4, 2012


OK you guys, bring on the candy.  It's time to redeem yourselves.  Almost all of you peops said you were going to come visit me and then noth.  Well, it's time to start planning a new trip.  I think Greece would be a great place to visit, don't you? 


  1. Yes, yes I sure do think Kevin and I should plan a trip to Greece with you. And I just found out my uncle and his fam are moving to Spain...so now we have DOUBLE the motive to go visit all you cool peeps across the ocean!

  2. We're on Holly, can't wait. I think I can get dad to come. They don't wear turbans on their heads.

  3. LOL That is funny Mom. It made me laugh. Holl, quit posting pics like this. I can't stand that I can't come to any of this cool stuff.

  4. I'm gonna do my best Holl. I have to say that I tried harder than all the other peeps to come and visit you in Egypt. (well, besides Sarah and Hans) And then we got ousted. But you just wait, I'll try to save and save and slush and slush, and then oh man, we will be there. But Caleb has to start making moneys first.

  5. Josh here. I dont think I will be able to make it to greece. The world is in turmoil and I'm concerned for our safety. Maybe when you move back to the states?

  6. Ang here,

    We'll be coming Hol. I've decided. I really hope Josh can make it with me on this trip.

  7. Holl we are coming too, don't you worry. I know we will (I already do) regret not coming to visit you in Cairo for the rest of our lives, so I won't let that happen again. Now that Christmas is over I am already slushing. I had a pay check in the mail waiting for me when I got home from Christmas and I'm slushing part of it for our trip to Greece. I think PA is ousted. I feel bad but I am blaming it on Zach's new job :) I don't know if he can take the time off this fall. If he can then bring it on. Two trips. Boo yea!

  8. Bud here,
    Holl how do you feel now that everyone promised to come there but now we're all going to europe and not greece. psh..jerks! i on the other hand won't promise anything but will just follow the crowd to wherever they go. sorry :(
