Monday, May 18, 2009

Dustin tryin' out the blog

Hey peeps, I thought I'd try this out since I've never blogged a minute of my life. The new house is looking good. Still wish it was in St. George or Clifton, but Hibbard is almost as cool.

I agree with all of Ang's comments about mom. Mom is good people. She was always bailing us out of something. I think it's safe to say that mom has earned many a 4.0for every grade level as she's helped us get our "A's." I even remember her running me up to the Ricks College bookstore to find Cliff Notes for book reports I had due the next day. For all I know, she probably read the cliff notes and then dictated the report to me as I wrote it down, while complaining the entire time. (Note to Bud, Linds: None of us older kids ever complained or back-talked nearly as much as any of you).

The only beef I have with mom is that she never figured out how to get me to cut my mini-mullet before it got immortalized in pictures. Alissa is so proud every time she sees those pics. She especially likes the ones where I bleached the bottom portion. Now that was the definition of cool!


  1. Lol to the sweet mullet comments. Yeah I remember those days of your sweet hair Dust. I also remember you borrowing my little tiny purple curling iron to curl under that sweet mullet of yours. Good times, good times. Tell Liss to hid those pics away.

  2. Oh Crustface
    Welcome to the blogging world! I think mom couldn't of said or done anything to get you to get rid of your mullet no matter what. Nice to thinking she could tho.

    Case I remember your lil' purple curling iron, did I have a pink one?

  3. What's wrong with mullets? Miles has one right now and my hair is quickly turning into a nice long mullet. I think it's kind of cute.

  4. Hey, I don't know if this post was supposed to be based on mullets, but I too have been feeling my hair is a bit mulletty. The back just isn't sitting right and it begins to look mulletesque when it flips in the back. Dust, just wait, it will soon become popular again, it sounds like it is already coming full circle.
    I'm glad you are trying the blog thing, sometimes I forget to get on for a week or two, then I make back comments on everything. See everybody just does it their own way.
