Saturday, August 13, 2011

boys dance auditions

Okay, so this isn't the greatest performance they have ever done, but they had to make up their own dance for their audition. Dax and Toj taught it to Jav about 30 minutes before they got there, so he was still trying to learn it. They invited their friend Jaden to come. All in all I think they did a great job. Plus can you believe I posted this?


  1. I LOVED it boys. Good job. You guys have lots of talent and you are so fun to watch. I'll be expecting a dance from you at the next family blow out :)

  2. Way good dancing! That was fun to watch. I'll have to show my boys, they'll love it too. What were they auditioning for?

  3. Oh my gosh! I LOVE it! I love watching them dance so much! Jete also loves watching them dance, and is always trying to copy them. HAHA Unfortunately, he got me and Had's dancing skills. Too bad for him. Jete said when he was watching this, "Holy....Mom, go back! I need to see him do that flip thing again." Good job guys! And good job Ang doing a video...I still can't get videos to work.

  4. They think they are so cool. I took them to school today and they were jumping off desks into backflips and all kinds of tricks. The showing off was done by all the boys and seen by all the peeps.
    They were auditioning for their dance team, apparently you have to audition for it. Who knew?
