Wednesday, August 31, 2011

California Pizza Kitchen Recipe

Hey Peeps, here is the recipe for the yummy pizza I made the other night. It really is one of the best things I've ever eaten. I LOVED it. THe name is California Pizza Kitchen Club Pizza:

1 1/2 cups warm water                       1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp yeast                                        3-4 cups flour
1 tbsp sugar

Mix yeast, sugar and water together and let sit for 10 minutes or so, until its bubbly.  Then dump it in your mixing bowl and add salt and flour a cup at a time. (I used the full 4 cups, just see how it is)  It should be a pretty sticky dough but not like crazy. (Mine didn't stick to the sides of my bowl, but it was still pretty sticky)
Let it raise for about 40 minutes covered, and then punch it down and roll it out.  (This will make a jelly roll pan full  and maybe a little extra if you don't like it too thick)

After its rolled out, put it in your jelly roll pan and polk holes in it all over with a fork so it doesn't bubble up.
Now for  a new thing I learned that makes the crust a 1000 times better. Spray it with olive oil or brush some on top of it and then in a seperate bowl, mix:
1/2 cup parmesan cheese (I just used the kind in the container its all I had)
1 tbsp of italian seasoning 
(if you don't have italian seasoning you could subsitute it with 1/2 tsp oregano, 1/2 tsp marjoram, 1/2tsp basil, 1/2 tsp salt)
Once that is mixed, spread it all over your pizza on top of the olive oil. PUt it in the oven and cook it for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees or until it starts to brown a tiny bit.

Now for the Pizza Ingredients
2 cups of cooked and cubed (small) chicken                
1/2 cup cooked bacon (around a half a package)        
2 cups mozzarella cheese                                              
3 cups of shredded lettuce (I shredded mine small)
1 cup romaine lettuce (I didn't have any of this (it was fine without)
4 tbsp of mayo or miracle whip
2 large roma tomatoes (I used big ones out of a garden) 
1 avacado thinly sliced

When your pizza dough is done, spread your mozzarella cheese all over and then top with bacon and chicken. Stick it back in the oven until cheese is melted. While it is cooking mix together the lettuces and mayo in bowl. When the cheese is melted pull it out and let it cool for a few minutes (so your lettuce doesn't go soggy), then spread your lettuce all over and then tomatoes and avacado.
I hope you like it. Its my new fave.

(I only added the lettuce to the part I knew we would be eating that night, cuz it goes soggy if not. And poor Zach and Say don't  eat tomatoes. And I didn't really eat all of that that night. I wanted to but couldn't, I was too full.


  1. it looks so deelish. thanks for postin the recipe Jean.

  2. I'm excited to try this! As soon as I finally get all the ingredients, I'm making it!
