Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our house

So lots of peeps have been askin to see a pic of our house, and I was just going to post it on my blog, but Had said not to put pics up of our house on there. And Mag has been wondering about our house too, so I told him I'd put a picture of it on here, so he can start convincing his parents to come here. And everyone else, please come here too! It would be so fun. :)

I haven't really taken pics of the inside of our house, except for the kitchen. Cuz this kitchen made me so happy!!! Living in an apartment with a small kitchen and not enough counter space, and not enough cupboards to hold all my stuff for the past 7 years was really getting old. I love my kitchen now and it makes me so happy to be in it!


  1. Cin you can't do a post like that. I want more. More of the rest of the house. But I love your house, its super cute, and that kitchen does look like a dream. Seriously, thats awesome. Bring on more of the rest of the house now. And I want to come visit you. I've got a serious problem, I have about 6 trips that I REALLY SERIOUSLY want to take. Too bad I can't even leave my stinkin town without having to rent a car :(

  2. so cute cin! looks so fun! i want more pics too! ~Alissa :)

  3. Hah Cin, I showed Mag and he said, okay lets go.
    So the house looks totally cute and I saw the pic of your kitchen and felt pure joy for you. For I had the tiny kitchen first too. Plus I saw your tiny kitchen. It wasn't great.
    So I have Jean's problem too. 6 major trips I want to go on. Does anyone want to hear them and then jump on board.

    Disneyland with the kiddies.
    Cruise without the kiddies.
    Europe again
    Visit Cin and Had
    These 4 are all on the brink of me just up and calling the shots one day and making it happen.
    Then Egypt, New Zealand, and Australia I want but they all feel like pipe dreams right now.
    So if any of you peeps want to do any of these, please feel free to call me and we will set something up. Thanks, Ang

  4. Looks awesome Cin. I don't think we can come and visit you anytime soon though. We want to, don't get me wrong.
