Sunday, March 22, 2009

Trip Info

So Ang and everyone. I called Zach's Mom and asked her if she would watch Saylor during this trip and she said yes, and she is planning on it, and I am planning on it. THe dates that I/Zach's Mom can do this is October 2-11. I told her she would only be watching her for about 5 days cuz I figured most peops couldn't be gone much longer than that ( I am hopin Zach will be able to come out for part of that time, so then I can be gone longer if needed to be). I am planing this as a sightseeing/fall colors trip seeing all of the New England stuff that we can. I was thinkin (but this can all be what really is the best and cheapest and stuff) that we could just go and see everything that we can and stop and stay in hotels along the way or rent a house if it is cheaper and see everything that is within a few hours of it or somethin like that. I was thinkin if anyone came or stayed longer than the rest, we could venture on down to D.C. or do Gettysburg or somethin like that. So this is a anyone trip, but I didn't think peops would be bringin kids but talk it over with everyone I guess), So so far, Me, Holl, Ern, Ang, and Bird (and LInz says yes, but we'll see if she can get a real job to pay for it :) are all committed. Dustin and ALissa said they want too, but kinda just have to see how things are with the new baby and money. So everyone lets commit :) So Ang, when I come to your house tomorrow, we can look at stuff to go see and start planning it. Ang there is no need to worry about me. I am slushin away and have more plans to make slush money, plus Zach WILL have a job by then, so then we shouldn't have to worry to much. Alright that is all, call or leave comments if you have more questions, have suggestions, or have decided you just can't be left out and are coming along as well. Jean out :)


  1. Bird here. i want to go to New York and hit up a broadway play such as WIcked! see ground zero all that jizzy jazz. If im there I need to go to cool places like New York. thank you.

  2. I've been to all the places that suggested so far. All DC things are the cheapest, stay at my house, train in to DC, everything's free there. New England is the prettiest, love it up there, New York is the coolest. I'm down with all of it, though I don't really believe it will happen. No offense to peops, it's just a lot of money. Even if everyone backs out Jean, I'll still be your pal and you can come here and we'll go to Pottery Barn Outlet, Williams Sonoma outlet, Restoration Hardware outlet, ribbon outlet, etc

  3. K HOll, if everyone backs out,its a deal, I will still come there and we can go to all those places.

  4. So, out of those days from Oct 2-11th, can you pick which paticular 5 days you are doing?

  5. Bird here. Holly I will be coming and not backing out thank you.
