Thursday, April 23, 2009


Hey peops,

I haven't had much to post on here, mostly cause I've been posting my own 7,503 pictures of Egypt on my own blog. I thought I better tell a few good Reece quotes.

All the boys were eating breakfast a couple of days ago and Grey said to me, "Mom, my cereal is talking to me." Then Reece said, "My cereal is talking to me too, it's saying, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama."

OK, another good one. Reece said, "that sound that was scary did wake me up. I did feel that scary sound in my mind."

Also, "I did be obedience so somebody didn't get mad at me."

A while ago we had a noise maker on in Reece's room because every time we crept down the stairs he would wake up, even if it was 5:30 in the morning. One night he got sick and started throwing up. We went rushing in to his room and he told us to "shut that thing off so you can hear me throw up."


  1. those are good ones Hol. Loved the throw up one the most. What are you guys teaching him that he knows Obama?

  2. Nothing. That's what makes it pretty sweet. We never talk about politics or anything. It would be pretty hard to have that type of conversation here. Pretty one-sided, ya know.

  3. HAHA little Reesey Rooey, he's funny. I love hearing these kinds of things peeps. Bring on the candy.

  4. Ha ha. Pretty dang funny. I loved the throw up one, thats stinkin funny and made me laugh lots. Hopefully you guys get to come here this summer cuz I want Reece and Brientz to hang out together and all of us just watch them be naughty together, who knows, mabes they can become kissing cousins too.

  5. lol to the sound machine one. That is my favorite age to say funny stuff. Make sure you write them down somewhere so you can remember them.
