Monday, June 22, 2009


Ang, I have a T.L. for you.


  1. Someone said that they think you are one of the best cooks that they know. Not afraid to try new things and always passing along ultra recipes.

  2. What? Not, you are so skinny? That's a good one, I have to say. Which one of you sissas said that?

  3. Someone said,
    "I loved the picture of Ang's family. They all look fabulous but Ang steals the show. She looks so beautiful and I really love the colors she picked out. Seriously cute pictures."

  4. That's nice of someone. There is no show stealing done by me though. Have they seen my cute children? (and husband for that matter) Anyways, tell Melinda thanks. Or Henny Penny, and they are always so nice to me. I'll be glad to meet them someday. :) Really, that was an awesome TL, thanks someone.

  5. Now, I'll only tell you who said yours if you really beg me.
    Okay, your TL is said by.....................ME. I think it, I always think it. You give me all the bomb recipes and I love it. I know this isn't how TL's work, but I been thinkin it for a while now.

  6. Well, ya big cheatin' sowsky. You're supposed to just tell me stuff like that and THEN give me T.L.'s too. I should have known. . . . .

  7. lol, yep sweet! And I agree that you are a little bit of a cheating sowsky Ang. But it was a good TL.

  8. I don't get the stuff you guys said. It was weird.
