Friday, June 19, 2009

Davis Family Pics

So I have been the worst about this blogging business. But I love to get on and see everything everyone has written, I just only do it every couple of weeks. Sorry Peeps. We just got our family pics taken yesterday and I am so excited to see them. The chica that took them just posted a sneak peak of them on her blog today. So if anyone wants to see them it is PS. Kids read this, so if you feel like throwing in a few sweet comments about me, mabes don't.


  1. Ang,
    Cute pics, not sure what sweet things you are expecting. I can't wait to see all of them. Adorable, love the colors, etc etc.

  2. Ang,
    Me here, I think those are so stinkin! I love the expressions and the cuteness and all of it. I think you are looking awesome! Way to go in getting all kids (Josh) excited for fam. pics.

  3. I love them Ang. So cute with tons of personality. You look GOOD!!

  4. Ang, those are the stinkin cutest things! I can't wait to see the rest. I love that first one, it's soo you guys! It gets me wanting to have family pictures again, only this time i don't want to be 9 months preg! You better just post all of them on here when you get them. Plus, that girl does a good job. I just about liked every pic on her website.

  5. Way cute pictures, Ang. Can't wait to see the rest. Your boys are the cutest.
