Monday, August 25, 2008

Big News

Exciting news!!! Me and Had are going to be runnin the half marathon with Holl and Jeff! Can you believe it? Had keeps telling me he's not a runner, but he's gotta become one pretty fast cuz 13 miles is kind of far for someone that's not a runner. Freak, it's even far for someone that is a runner. I'm kinda nervous for it myself. I hope that we can get in shape in time, cuz it's in 7 weeks.


  1. i'm excited for all you peeps and a little jealous.

  2. I'm not jealous one bit, good job guys, let me know how it goes, while I just sit and get fatter!

  3. Wow, for reals. Pretty freakin cool. Is Had really gonna do it. I thinkin back to that time when we first when runnin with him :) That is awesome, good work guys.

  4. HAHAHA Yeah Kerr, i know. And i still always think about that, each time we go runnin about. At first he just said, "yeah let's do it. But we'll just pay for you to do it, and i'll just run, but without getting the packet and actually getting signed up for it." I was like, "uh no Had then you will try to back out cuz you didn't actually pay." He started laughing and was like "haha, yeah, i was gonna do that." So i signed us both up and it cost us money, so we're both in it for good. Sweet huh? I'm pretty dang jacked, as is Holl i think....Had, maybe not so much. But he's doing good running so far.
