Thursday, August 14, 2008

Reece at his best

We just went to Florida for a week. It was good times, we visited my friend Amber and went to Tampa to play for a while. While we were there we went to a children's museum. Reece continues to talk about the ho-seum. He always wants to go to the ho-seum and he builds ho-seums out of blocks. I wonder who goes to ho-seums. Is it hosers or hos or who?

The other night we were reading scriptures. When we read as a family we say the words and then our non-reading kids repeat them after us so that they can participate. We asked Reece if he wanted a turn to read (repeat) and he said "No, I'm going to read it in my mind." So then I read the verse in Alma 5 that says, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?" Reece looks over at me and says, "Um, no." I laughed a lot, but mabes it was one of those times when you had to be there.
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  1. That is pretty funny. I love to hear these. Plus, that's pretty sweet that he's actually paying attention and knows it was asking a question.
