Friday, August 8, 2008

Ode to My Peeps

Many or most, ok, all of my blogs seem pretty negative. I was re-reading them, and man, I sound like such a sow complaining non-stop. I apologize.

In the last month, I've reconnected with a lot of old friends, and roommates that became great friends. When it comes to the friends in my life, I have been so blessed. I started with the most awesome roommates Jamie, Stephanie, and Trishelle. Then I moved to Provo and had some pretty awesome roommates there too. Sidra (Angela), Birdhair (even if she is the reason I left Provo but whatever), April, Daniellovitch, and Melissa Kitfield, and Melissa Summerville. When I moved back to Ogden, I had Darcy, Karen, and Teria. Teria being the good plum of that crop. We ended up living together I THINK for like 5 years, Until she got married. We then moved into the infamous house on 3364 Eccles Ave where it was a stream of non-stop roommates and good times. The orginal six were, Me, Teria, Dawn, Holly (who is in a class by herself), Ami, and Sarah. The five of us had so much fun!! (Holly just went upstairs and "read scriptures" with Dan-remember?) Both Ami and Dawn reminded me this week of the time we all put on my dirty laundry. I think I have some sweet pictures of that night but they are not scanned. I'll try to put them on my facebook page. Why did we do that? Then of course there was stupid Danielle, (she doesn't read this-I Hope), Crystal , Shawnee, My Martha May Whoveeae. Jen Brown, Jen Garcia, and I know I'm forgetting peeps, but i've had like 50 roommates!!

Anyway, of course, I can't mention friends without mentioning my best friend in the whole wide world, Kaylie. She's been a part of my life for almost as far back as I can remember. Actually, thinking about it, it's been 17 years. Holy crap!! We've had such great times together, a few unpleasant but I can only remember fighting with her twice, but that might just be me, not owning up in my mind, but that's all I remember. She's still a part of my life, and I still love talking to her, hanging out, remembering stuff, and it's grown to include her whole family. (Well, maybe not Richie as much...) No, I jest I seriously love her family and consider them a part of my family. So to Kaylie and the Knights I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

To everyone else, if you're reading this, you're a friend. (since only friends know about this blog.) I love you, and am grateful, that I've been blessed with such wonderful friends. Thank you!



  1. that was cool to read. We feel the same way about friends that we've had. They are our family out here.

  2. Sheesh Ern, you really went to town on that one. That was really nice of you. Kudos to you.
