Friday, July 24, 2009

New swimsuits

I found this on eBay, and I bought the pink and black one, and waiting til I get paid next week for the next. Their Disney which is GAY, but cute other than that. What do you think?


  1. They are real cute Ern. Good work. I like the pink one best, but thats cuz I love pink. I thought you hated it?

  2. I do hate pink, but I like the mix of pink and black and the other...Just hate straight pink.

  3. Erin,
    I'm glad you posted them. We never got back to each other last night. I think they are real cute. When you first told me about them I thought they had disney prints on them. If you didn't tell anyone about them being disney no one would know.
    Good job.

  4. They have disney charachters on the skirt (sigh) but the rest is cute enough that I feel it outweights having Tinkerbell (blue) and minnie on the black one.

  5. Ern, I'm a little shocked that you are buying anything with pink in it. But I think both swimsuits are freaking cute! And you can't tell anything with Disney. That's fun, I want a new swimsuit too!

  6. Both cute, I'd buy them both. Who cares about the disney characters. Tinkerbell is back in, way in.

  7. LOL-Nice, and thanks guys, I bought them both, so good times for everyone and new swimsuits!!

  8. P.P.S
    Ang-I caught your reference to Tiny Toons, and you had one on somethin else too. I catch it, even if no one else does, or says anything.
