Friday, July 24, 2009

Zach's latest projects

So Zach made this shelf for me for Saylor's room. He was supposed to make it for me before she was born. Oh well, better late than never right. And our camera is a piece so don't mind the fuzziness of all our pictures :) Cin I finally got to hang up her name you made for me. I have had it out just leaning against her wall since we've moved here, and in our Rexburg apt. I had it above her window. I love them.
So I don't know if any of you remember this but it use to be that light oak color. Not cute. ANy ways Zach refinished it for me and we put on new hardware and I love it now. I had the flash on so you can see a lot of red in it but normally you can't. There is really just a real light tint of red to it that you can see from certain angles.

He made this one a while ago. We had our DVD's and movies in boxes for the first 8 months that we lived here and I kept telling Zach I was going to go and buy a shelf or something for them cuz Saylor baby kept getting into them, so he made this. Don't worry it is anchored to the wall in the back so Saylor can never tip it over on her.
This is my favorite thing that he built. I saw in on Pottery Barn kids and told Zach I wanted it. He made it look exactly like the one from Pottery Barn but ours in bigger cuz I wanted it bigger and they have beadboard on the back of theirs, (which I wanted and is cuter) but Zach couldn't fit a whole piece of beadboard in his car so ours is flat on the back. And Zach made ours have a shelf on top and theirs doesn't. I have a caterpillar that Zach cut out from wood that we want to paint and put above it. Then on the shelf above it or under the caterpillar I want to put a cute saying about reading in vinyl lettering or wood letters. If any of you have any cute sayings you have heard of, let me know cuz I really need one.
I don't know if many of you remember this dresser but it was the one from down in my/Ang's room. It was also that light oak wood color and not cute and had some serious scratches and worn off places. Zach sanded this one down and repainted it as well as new hardware for me. I love it and now my bedroom has a completely different look to it and its awesome.


  1. Alissa here. I LOVE all of it. How cute!!!!!! Does Zack take orders? :)

  2. Oops I miss spelled Zach's name. Sorry!

  3. I love it too. Plus, tons of work. Sheesh!

  4. That is the goods. It makes me want to redo our wood dressers that we have in our room, cuz they're the same kind of wood as yours was i think. Anyways, nice job Zook on all of it. The book holder is super cute too. I forgot about those letters i made ya for her name. When i first looked at that picture, i was thinkin, Oh that super cute! Haha then i remembered that i did it. LOL I'm the goods.

  5. So Jean I love all the stuff that Zach redid and made. So super cute!! I want one of those book case holder things, what a cute a great idea. Also, I don't know if I ever saw the Saylor letters, but I love them.

  6. Wowza, turns out you got the goods Jean. A husband that knows how to do the goods and produces them. Sweet! Haha So seriously, everything is so cute, I am really excited for you. It is so fun to have something new that you just feel like staring at because your hubby made it for you. I am happy you guys are having fun and you get really cute stuff out of it. Loved the letters. Loved the shelf. Loved the bookcase with shelf. Want the dvd case. Cute to the two dressers. Good job on all of it. I'm very envious.

  7. Man, I am impressed! I saw the exact same shelf (W/ beadboard) in pottery barn and thought I want that and Nathan could make it. We have not done it yet.
    Way to go on your DIY Projects!
