Thursday, May 1, 2008


Okay for all you freaker peops who won't do my tag. I was just rereading mine to see if everyone would have the same things and they wouldn't. The main ones would be traveling and eating candy. Cin I know most of yours would be different. Holl and Case like half would be different for you and Ang, only like 2 would be different on yours probs. I know all of you will go out in public without mascara so that one is different. All of you don't love history (Cin), all of you don't love crafty things (Cin), all of you don't love shopping (Case I was thinking you on this one, jk wha ha ha) and Alissa this includes you too to do this tag. You guys are all suckers. HOll you aren't a night person anymore, Cin yours would for sure include something about basketball, Case do you like history? I have noticed all of you peeps are commenting about the tag but none of you are doing it. WHY? Is it really that big of a thing, come on peops, it will be fun for everyone to do and read and you all know I am right. Ern you get nothing said to you cuz you really did it, thanks.


  1. Ok, so i am gonna do it, but i just barely put on a big post on my blog like the day of or day before you asked us to. So don't worry, i will do it. But i think what we should all try and put for our 10 things is stuff that maybs we don't know about each other. I know that's hard though cuz everyone talks like crazy, and we know each other pretty well, but at least try, for a few.

  2. This is ALissa. Ok, explain everything. We make up 10 things about ourself? Then where are we posting it?

  3. Good Question Liss, I posted mine on my blog, maybe post it on Drez's and then we can all read it?

  4. Alissa you can just post it on this one,or Dres' whichever you prefer. THANKS
