Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My night in the E.R.

Can I just say I hate my life?

Friday of last week, my legs started itching really bad. It kind of came and went thru the weekend, and by Sunday I was DYING. My legs feel like they are on fire and they itch so freaking bad (still), I was ready to go get a fork and start the blood-fest. I put Bendadryl anti-itch gel, I tried lotion, NOTH worked!! I was showing them to Ang, on Sunday, and somehow we started talking about bed bugs cuz we couldn't figure out what it was from, and I had these little red dots everywhere and they looked like little bites. So, I looked up bed bugs online at Ang's, and believe you me, I don't want those, they are nast!!! Anyway, I went to work Monday (yesterday) the whole time scratching and itching my legs, (and now arms) like you wouldn't believe. They were like little blisters everywhere. So, my friend calls me at like 6pm and says hey, the West Jordan Library is having a sale on books, and you can get as many as you want in a grocery bag for a dollar-well I'm on that like a stripe on a skunk, and my friend comes to get me, sees my legs (which now have black bruises, red bumps, they're swollen, and broken blood vessels.) She's like, you need to go to the doctor...NOW!! The emergency room is where we ended up, and good thing I had my friend with me, or I would of walked. I felt like such a dork. They asked me on a level of 1-10 how bad is the pain. I was like, it's more of how bad is the itching and burning, and it's at a ELEVEN! I finally get to see the doc, she said, I'm the 3rd person she's seen with a weird rash that has bronchitis in the last 24 hours, that my rash is the worst rash she's ever seen, and then gives me THREE prescriptions to see if it will take care of it, but they have no idea what it's from and really take these drugs and come back if it gets worse. I will cut off my legs if it gets worse. So I'm sitting here writing this, with prescriptions in me, and on me. Itching like crazy at work (I'm at work right now) and once again, am miserable. I'm adding some sweet pics of my legs. They don't show the bruises too good though, sorry.


  1. OH man, that sounds terrible. I can only relate having a husband that has poison ivied himself 4 or 5 times. He said it's the worst thing he's even been through. Sorry!!!!

  2. The craps part is we don't know what it's from. It might be from switching laundry detergent. I am dying.

  3. Those are some good pics. The rash that I was telling you about that I had, I thought it was bed bugs too. Yep, nast. I was washing everything I possibly could in my house. But they never did find out what mine was. Your rash looks sweet, and fun times.

  4. Erin,
    I think you pretty much have it the worst right now. I will not complain. Done.
    I am so so stinkin sorry for you! When it is all taken care of, you will feel like a new chic a dee. I hope(w/ a coule scars..)

  5. Sorry Ern, thats the craps and torture fest.

  6. Oh Ern I feel bad for ya. That looks so torturous. I liked how you said you wanted to get a fork and start the blood fest. That was a pretty good description of something that i never want to get.

  7. Dear everyone, It has now moved to my arms, and I want to kill myself. I'm on the three different prescriptions and NOT ONE of them has made it stop itching or burning. someone kill me please!! Its been super bad since Sunday, I'm so miserable!!
