Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Im a reindeer

So peeps we had animal day at our school and i wanted you all to have the full effect of what i was.


  1. Bird, that was somethin sweet. I don't know if I would have said hilarious. You are pretty dang nerdy. Plus why the freak did your school have animal day?

  2. HAHAHA What the freak? I especially liked your clip cloppin along.

  3. Bird, you are entertaining. Did you do that reindeer clip clop dance at school all day too? I hope you had the head flipping along like you did in that video, otherwise it wouldn't be as good.

  4. well i couldnt do it at school as much but i did it a few times for my friends haha

  5. Bird, you're a freak. :-)
    (to soften the blow)

  6. I'm still laughing. I think it's hilarious. I'm still laughing, calling in Jeff to laugh too. You're just so dang nerdy, Bird. Love ya.

  7. i am pretty sweet arent i? ha see holl i do have dance moves and sweet body movements too
