Friday, January 6, 2012

Can You Believe It?

So I was going through Mom's awesome cookbook she made us for Christmas and I found the recipe for Mama's Soup. Suddenly I had a craving for a Little Mama's Soup with Dumplings. What the heck? Hol, do you remember gagging everytime we had it? How about the times dad force fed you, and you threw up on him? Haha, I love it.
So, in a very unAngie-like fashion, I zipped over to the store and decided to bottle some right then and there. I got 20 quart of Mama's Soup. My whole family liked it, unless you include Mag crying at every bite, which he does often, and Toj sneaking over to the garbage can and throwing away the onions and cabbage (which only made me laugh because it was awfully familiar). Plus Nat and Dax went back and picked out all the dumplings and ate them after we all finished eating. Good times guys, thought this might bring back a few memories, and mabes tears for some of the wimpier ones.


  1. I love mamma soup! That recipe is in there?Sweet!! I remember the force feeding, it was the cabbage right?

  2. Yep,nasty, stinkin' rotten cabbage plus onions. Barf o' meter was going high on that one. I think I only threw up on Dad once. Got knobbed too. Dad told me he felt bad about that knobbing. How bout that?

  3. Bird here. I've never had that soup but it sounds sick.But I did laugh at the knobbing
