Saturday, March 22, 2008

American idol

So Case, i've been meanin to ask ya if you were just lovin American Idol the last couple weeks with the Beatles. When Michael John sang "...woke up, got outta bed, pulled the comb across my head" it brought me back to that day down in your old bedroom/Dustin's/Bud's when you sang that song to me and i was like, what the freak? What is that psycho song? Anyways, it made me kinda like his performance, cuz it is such a freakish song. Same with Day Trooper (Tripper it turns out to be), but that dude didn't sing it like i wanted it to be sung. Plus, me and Holl talked about it, but i don't know if anyone else saw.... the week when David Archuletta forgot his lyrics. Did any of you see his Dad's G's in his home video? LOL, Oh that was the goods, I was laughin.


  1. Cin,
    I was laughin throughout your entire comment about American Idol. I have been loving the Beatles week, and I forgot that I sang that sweet song to you. I remember thinking it was weird and cool at the same time, but now I just think it is cool. Plus, the song "Day Trooper" is usually known as "Day Tripper" by most peeps. And I was also laughing pretty good on seeing David Archuletta's dad's G's. Caleb and I even rewound it to make sure we weren't just seeing things. It seems weird to me that most of the peeps didn't sing better Beatles songs, instead most of them picked kind of gayish songs. I didn't really like the way he sang "Day Tripper" either, he kind of wrecked it.

  2. I thought they wrecked a lot of the good songs

  3. PS-Day Trooper...LMAO, that's almost as good as Hey Beana!

  4. It's Day Tripper? What the freak? Those dang Beatles should annunciate better, that's what i say.

  5. wahaha, day trooper, Like mabes during the day she served as a trooper in Nam or something. That is the funniest thing I've ever heard, I love it. Plus true, many good ones to choose from, not that many good choices made.
    We also laughed and rewound the G showing.
