Monday, March 31, 2008

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum

Or it happened at Costco, but funny nonetheless. So here I am doing all my food storage business. I go to Costco for a few goods, mainly bathroom stuff. So I am buying myself a few boxes of tampons (six to be exact, and they just happened to be huge boxes of 100). So ya know how when ya buy these, you try to be somewhat inconspicuous about it. Well, I realize there is no way to be inconspicuous while buying several boxes of tampons and a couple packages of pads. So my only hope is to go to a girl checker. So I find one and what do you know, as soon as I step up, a strapping young man decides to help me unload my cart (that's what I get for buying 52 lbs of dog food). So he starts unloading and picks up one of the boxes (of 100 remember) and the bottom is apparently not glued shut because all 100 of them pour out of the box and all over the place. My entire cart is filled with tampons. At this point there are about 4 people behind me in line. So I push my cart up a little and they are falling through all the holes in the cart, and I am leaving a trail of tampons behind me. The guys face gets so red, he just starts picking them up and shoving them back in the box. (Sidenote: tampons cannot be shoved back in a box and come close to fitting, imagine shoving dominoes back in the tin instead of stacked, it just isn't happening) So I say, "hey, do you care if I get a new box." And he looks quite relieved and races off to go get me a new box, probs just dying to leave me to my overflowing cart. So I'm just sitting there with all these peeps behind me, waiting for my new box and there is Mag in his carseat in the cart that is now completely empty of all groceries but piles of tampons that are still falling through the holes. The guy comes back and says, (still red faced) I can't find them, I don't even know which aisle they're on, I never have to buy these. So a new girl helper goes back to get them. I'm still waiting by my sweet looking cart. Then she comes back and can't quite get through the line, so holds up 2 boxes and asks, "was it Super or Regular?" "Super" I say. Then I just picked up Mag's car seat and move it to a different cart and walk off with all my goods. The end.


  1. that's the best story I've heard in awhile, I love it! That's what you get for buying 100 tampons at a time. Haha. :-)

  2. Well, if you have ever had to give a "most embarrasing moment" story and not had one.....well now you do! That is classic!

  3. That is such the goods. I laughed and laughed. I wish that I could have been there to laugh at you a little too. Pure humor.

  4. LOL!!! That is one of the best stories ever. When you started the story I thought it would be more of an embarassing moment(which it was) than the pure laughter and entertainment it was for us readers. I especially liked that the girl yells out, "Was is super or regular?" Now that is one prime story!

  5. Ang, I laughed some more when I read this story, it is such a good one. That would be the worst thing in the entire world. Sorry I wasn't paying as good attention when you told me the story over the phone, but I still liked it then, and even more so now. It is one of the best ever.

  6. Its way better than my long g units with capri's on!!

  7. ahhhhh.....the blessings of following the prophet. I'd say you can now compare yourself to the great ones cast out of society for living the gospel. Ya know, people like Samuel the Lamanite and Moroni. It also kind of reminds me of Caleb's "But I need wings!" story. Jeff

  8. Great story Ang, I loved it.

  9. Ang bird here. that is the funniest thing i have heard. Good one!

  10. That is the funniest story i've ever heard. I was dying of laughter. I was full on expecting one of the boys to be in the story cuz they're usually real good at doing or saying cool things, but nope, and man that's a good'en for sure Ang.

  11. Hi Ang,
    So, we talked for 110 min. on the phone yesterday and I did not get to hear this most awesome story in the universe!
    I laughed then laughed again then pretty much kept laughing!
    Thanks for inviting me to your family's life. I am glad.
