Friday, March 28, 2008

Chillin' with the Miles

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  1. These pics are so freakin cute!!! Miles is the cutest thing ever. I'm so glad that you posted more pictures since the other ones you did before you couldn't tell what Miles really looked like, cuz he just had come home from the hospital. SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!
    Good work on the pics.

  2. Jeff, you're hands look like their about to snap off his little tiny head. He's a cutie.

  3. JUst a great cute little boy!

  4. Hi ya HOll,
    I am sure glad Jeff's hands are so big, makes your cute dange cute little Miles very safe and secure.
    I hope to see you and the rest at Bud's wedding. I hope to come. Now you are all excited, I am sure!
