Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cute Mag

Hey Peeps, This is a cute pic of Mag, I hope it turns out... I took it today 3/30/08. He's a freakin doll!!


  1. Oh my gosh! He is soooooooo cute! He looks healthy and strong. What a blessing. He is so cute. He looks like a mini Josh:).

  2. Are you sure that Dancing Dresden wrote that Mag looks healthy and strong? Pretty dang cute little guy. Looking more and more like the Davis clan.

  3. Yep, cute as can be. I'm excited to see all of these new babes.

  4. Ang, pretry dang cute. He looks like a mix of all of your kids, plus Josh. Not you though, sorry. I say sorry cuz some peeps get offended or sad when you say that there baby doesn't look like them, so sorry if you are one of them. He is a cutie and I'm excited to see him and you guys next week.

  5. What a cute picture of the Magpie. Ern, good job on taking it. He looks a little like he has a bunch of acne scars or something, but don't worry, just a little chapped. Look at his pic compared to Josh's at the top. Twins. Plus yep, no one ever looks like me. Neh!

  6. Mag is the spitting image of Josh!

  7. Hi again Ang,
    Since I did not get to see him in your quarantined, cloraxed home when I was there for a few short min. holding corbin so as to not share germs with you, I will comment now.
    He is dang cute. So much like Josh. I guess that means Josh is cute too. Sweet.
