Thursday, October 16, 2008

apple cake

I made a tasty apple cake the other day, and today. It is tasty, easy, moist, deelish, and seasonal. If you want the recipe just call one of my friends, I mean, me.


  1. I would call you Holl, but since you are suppose to call me, I'll just wait. You probs won't call. You always say that you going to call me the next day, and do I hear from you? Nope, not until a few weeks later when we haven't talked for a while. Ang does that to me too. It's a conspiracy against me. Sows!;)

  2. I want your cake to try.
    I just made a dutch apple pancake for breakfast that the peops said was good. (I didn't try it) It's sort of like german pancakes but with apples.

  3. I make puffed pancakes with straws (the best name for something ever) with apples and cinnamon too. I just made up the recipe so I bet yours would be better. Anyway, I love it. I'm into apples these days. Deluxe apples. Ultra deelish.
