Wednesday, October 1, 2008

okay Case, here it is, Sorry the one is sideways, it rotated it, then showed up sideways


  1. Does only Case get to look at it?

  2. I am doing some cute things to my house right now (hopefully cute). I will post the stuff when it is done. It will be especially cute when some curtains come in the mail.

  3. Do you like all of these comments. I always get jacked when peops comment about my stuff so I thought I'd give you a few. :)

  4. lol, nice holl. hey kerr, while your showin stuff i need to ask ya if you have a little ghosty on a stick like those pumpkins are on a stick. I can't remember if you got one too. But if you did, i'm sure you actually painted it when you got it and now it is done and cute, and no surprise to anyone i'm sure, mine isn't done. I only painted it white, and then didn't do anything with it for the last two years. And i have no clue how to put a face on it or what to put on it to make it finished. So if you have it, want to post a picture of that too? :)

  5. Cin, I did get a ghost stick thing too. But mine is not done either, I didn't even get mine painted white. Sorry. Holl, this is a cute little thing I have and I was wonderin what colors to put on it you know my ways, can't ever make a decision. So i called case to ask her and she didn't really get what it was so I had to post a picture of it so she could tell. If you have any suggestions as to what color I should paint the sign and the stick, feel free to comment away. Anyone who wants to give an opinion sure can. thanks jean

  6. Torch to the crafts and even more torch to the indecisiveness with the crafts. For a big surprise coming from me. I say make a decision and go with it. Make a tanish colored sign and then dark brown or black words. Wow, I did some crafty secret shank shinks with Candi (if you know what they are, you must not say anything on the open blog because Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat - see)and my oh my, they were torch. She spent as long as you guys deciding on things. She was my only surefire friend that would make a quick decision on something like that and she failed me, and failed me good. Now I am resigned to the fact that I will never have anyone to do crafts with again. I'll die a craft widower. The end.
