Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My running life is over here in Boise

So I decided to go running this morning for the first time. It turns out it was a REALLY bad idea since I had an allergic reaction the moment I quit running. I started sneezing when I got done outside but didn't think anything of it. My ears were killing me too cuz it was chilly outside. Well I kept sneezing like crazy when I got inside and blowing my nose out of control. I was feeling weird like I was in a pressurized bubble of some sort and then it really hit me. My throat started closing off, my eyes started itching, my nose closed off and all of the sudden I could barely breathe. I hurried and took one of my allergy pills and Zach got me some Benadryl. Nothing was changing, only getting worse. My eyes were itching and getting all puffy with the insides of them puffing out and watering like crazy, they wouldn't stop, and I could barely talk. This all happened in a matter of about 5-7 minutes from when I walked into the door. It was like the night when I had an allergic reaction when I first got married. After about a half hour nothing was changing and I felt like I might die because I wasn't getting any air, so I had Zach give me a blessing. Since then, my throat has quit closing off but I can hardly talk still, because it is still all swollen and my eyes are all swollen, my nose is swollen to help with the bigness it already has and it is compleltely 100% stuffed up. Not like a cold stuffed up either, its a really weird feeling. Some might be wondering, maybe I should go to the doctor or why didn't I. We have no insurance. Zach told me we should go a bunch of times but we don't have the money too so I said no unless it starts getting worse again. We called Mom and had her call Susan and see what the doctors would do if we do go and she said they give you a shot that cost a ton of money, so here I sit. I can hardly talk from my swollen throat and I can't breathe from my nose being closed off and my eyes are all squishy, nasty and swollen. Pretty sweet huh? I can't even be outside for more than 20 minutes I guess. I only ran 2 miles cuz I haven't gone in weeks and this is what I get for it. My breathing sounds like Linz's when she has an asthma attack. Who knows, mabes I have asthma now too. I am so sick of my body, it is torch, and I guess I won't be running again anytime soon.


  1. Jean,
    That sounds like the worst thing I could imagine. What triggered it? I hope you figure it out, or else no running for you ever again? Plus did it happen after you got in the house or after you stopped running? Plus call an instacare there and see how much it cost to come and get an allergy shot. You might want to know for next time too. I hear you on the insurance business. It is like you live in fear of something happening huh. Sorry Jean, I hope you get feeling better.

  2. Sorry Jean, that sounds really torch. Hopefully it gets better soon. I know what it feels like to not be able to breathe, and it is about the worst thing on the planet if there is nothing you can do to help it. Plus, why didn't you post any pictures of you all roughed up along with your story? That's what I want to know. For reals, hope you feel better Jean!

  3. Sorry Jean. That is the total c-raps. It sounds completely miserable. The only thing that would make it worse is if the enemy came along with allergies.

  4. It started while I was walking after my run but then got worse as I got in my house. I don't know if it was from my house or the whole thing just coming on stronger. I didn't take pictures because you couldn't really tell a huge difference in my face. It was bright red from running and then my eyes and nose were all swollen. I think they felt lots more swollen than they looked. I thought about taking some then thought na, maybe only I can tell I am swollen, so I didn't.

  5. Kerr bird here. You know what would make all of this better? you moving back to be with me so i dont want to die each day when your not here. Then i would run with you and babysit stinky and life would be good and my senior year would be a heck of a lot better. In case your wondering i need you.
